Words, photos, drawings, and animations of Fabian Molina. ---- Fabianmolina.com
Friday, March 30, 2007
Bad Painting
I liked the pose below so i started dabbing in photoshop and trying to paint it. I quickly realized I sucked at digital painting and decided that i would look at a Digital Painting from Sam Nielson and copy his lighting scheme. I loved the colors he used and tried to put it towards my figure. This took me about an hour. I think i learned a few things but still its not that good. I also noticed that when painting and rendering a line drawing it loses much of the depth and gesture. But alas here it is.
Bad Drawings
I go to life drawing Every week. I miss a few here and there but I presume is safe to say i go every week. Some days its a huge miss and I think Ill never get better. Then along comes a few days where I feel im learning something, ever so often these are the ones that instill somehting in me to keep pursuing this art thing. They push me to be better. I want to be like Glen Keane, but then again , what animator doesn't ? Life drawing for me is drawing what I feel from the pose, not exactly what i see. Im looking for force, weight, and beauty. Ok beauty sounds a bit chee-zy but, I see it, its jsut the drawing part thats hard. Heres a few alright attempts at the figure from my last two weeks at the Ole Figure Drawing Salon. The top four are 5 minute poses and the next two are 2 minute poses, the last one is a 1 minute pose. Ill post more soon.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
These were a few sketches from the zoo that I thought showed some form of improvement in my drawings. The first is a couple of zebras I did in Marker they each took about 30 seconds. The second ones i drew and right away noticed that i made a couple bad choices. Legs of both animals are parallel and i also think that the bird starts off nicely from the top but flattens out at the bottom becuase if it. It also shows a lack of wight by not having the legs at an angle. In the third adrwing I corrected my self in drawing the flamingo and gave an angle to the pose wich gave it wight and look more alive. Second two pictures were done in
prisma color pencil and took 10-15 seconds. The elephant took about a minute.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Caricature season has Begun! Artist ..get your markers Ready!
Urine My Dreams, Sketches
Friday, March 02, 2007
Hey now that i kNow i can easily posst videos on my blog, ill start posting animation here when its finished. Man i hope i can get some good feedback here. Gott run but heres a quick ball bounce and fallow through test. Took me about 45 minutes in Plastic Animation Papaer. I onlly got a bit of feedback from a friend so if you have any comments or suggestion get back at me. NOW!