Words, photos, drawings, and animations of Fabian Molina. ---- Fabianmolina.com
Monday, January 28, 2008
Moon over my Hammy!!
Hey yall -
Heres a few things i have been working on. Im trying to draw whenever I get a chance but It hard to keep up with posts because im also working on some animation. I really want to get better with my animation, both 2d and 3d so, im going to be a bit more hardcore about it. I MUST in order to succeed. I have been getting really excited about little things involving film these days. If you guys have not yet seen There will be blood, you should go and check it out. I highly suggest it. Its a great film all around including lighting, music and story. But what I really loved about this film is how well they developed Character. This whole movie took us deeper into the mind of a seriously Greedy man. I will not say more, except that I loved it.
A great story is what makes a great film, a great Character is what makes you feel a great film.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Moon Painting
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Back in Full Effect!
Ok ok, sorry for the lack of posts. Things are just calming down from the holidays and my move back to my hometown. I have been getting in a bit more drawing time the last couple days. Oh and I lost my glasses so its been a real ache looking at computer screens but Alas I have a new pair. First off - heres a caricature of my Buddy and Roommate Brad Crosat. More to come soon...real soon.