I Saw 3:10 To Yuma the other day and thoroughly enjoyed it. Ben Foster Played Charlie Prince and gave a great performance of the Dark sidekick. His costume is what caught my attention thought so I decided to do a character piece of him. Hope you like. I scanned it in to PSCS3 and added a bit of color to give it a western Look.
Dude, that's freaking awesome! how long it take?
ReplyDeleteThanks Jason...It took a couple hours . Not more than 3 I Believe. I was working at the same time so drawing on and off.
ReplyDeletenice! Yeah, he was my favorite character in the movie.
ReplyDeleteThis cowboy is spectacular! That's the kind of stuff we want in the sketchbook! Very nice.
Nice. Like the feel and costume!
ReplyDeleteps He's got a gun in a cross draw holster, but already has a gun in the hand he'd use to draw it.
Dave, in the film he frequently draws from the holster on the same side as the hand he's drawing with and spins the gun.