Monday, March 02, 2009

Wonder Con 2009 is OVER and Done!

So Wondercon in San Francisco was a blast!  I had a great 3 days of meeting new people, drawing, and selling my new book "Sketch or Die", Which I would like to thank everybody who bought a copy.  The Picture above is Everyone who joined in on the Table.  Carlos, Rosie, Julien, and my lovely Daisy, who was a great help! 

These 2 Drawings above were some really quick commissions I did. They were done really fast with a pencil and some markers.  

These 2 sketches are a sample of the heads I was Drawing in peoples books.  I only took pictures of these, but I drew a ton more!.  
This was the Booth Very early Friday Morning before my booth Friends showed up.  Trust me... it didn't stay like this for long.  I also want to say thank you to the 2 people who bought my framed originals shown.  You know who you are... 

Friends, Friends, Friends, at the Booth, showing mad support!

The picture above is of all the books that I got while I was there. One book that I got which is not pictured is Juan Carlos Porras' book "Monster Soup".  He took it home to draw a picture in it for me.

The other reasons why these events are so great is because you can talk it up with great artists and ask them anything you want.  One awesome thing that happened on Sunday was talking to Ben Balistreri.   Ben Balistreri's  "Seaweed" was on the top of my list of books to get and while talking with him I thought to show him my book and see what he thought of my work.  After showing him the book he gladly purchased it!  To me that is a great compliment!  If someone who I admire for their work, would spend their hard earned $15 on my book it means a lot!  Oh boy how sweet! 

ALSO - On the way out of the show Sunday while everyone was packing up we passed by Pascal Campion's booth and I told him I admired his stuff.  We talked for a split second and ended up trading books on the fly.  What a nice Guy! 

Thanks to every body who came out and showed support! 

And lastly one last picture of me at the show having fun doing what I do.  Draw!

Picture taken by Jeff Jackson!


  1. Fabian is awesome. If it wasn't for him I would have been hungry after the con.


  2. Where can I get your book?

  3. Graham, yes you owe me a beer! tomorrow! or at the sketch crawl on April 11th.

    Thank you Pablo!

    Adrian - Theres a pay pal link on the upper right hand corner of this it and you can pay with your debit or credit card.... if you dont have one email me and we can work something out.

    Thanks guys!
