Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Hello 2013

Hello from my first post of 2013! 

2012 was a big year.  And 2013 will be a helluva lot bigger!  For a quick recap; last year I was pretty much working 2 jobs.  I was working at Idle games for most of the year, and during the evenings and weekends I was keeping myself busy working on a video production company that I started with my long time friend Darryl Kirchner. That time was a great learning experience.  I learned a lot about myself, my future goals, and how to get to where I wanted by taking small risks and making sure they turned out positive. By all means, it was not easy. But I got through it. 

Later in the year I was let go from my position at Idle only to find another job at another game company 3 DAYS later.  I quickly felt lucky to have found work so fast.  But that's when I asked myself what I really wanted.  I want to tell stories, to make films, and to inspire people with animation, film, design, and anything in between and beyond.  Was I doing that at my new job?  No.  So I thought long and hard about my options. I eventually left the company the day I got back from Thanksgiving break. It was one of the hardest things I have done in my life.  It wasn't the act of quitting that scared me, but the fact that I was giving up a comfortable pay check and a steady job that I checked into every day and checked out of every night.  Would I succeed in a world of freelance and starting my own business?  I had no idea, but I would die a bitter old man if I never had the guts to find out. So that's where I'm at now.  

Since I started this life as a freelancer, I have worked with some great people and learned a TON about the things that feel most passionate about.  The road ahead is looking great.  I cannot WAIT to let you guys in on the things that have been happening behind the scenes with our company. Exciting things are ahead, so stay tuned. 

And with that, I'm back baby!  

Happy new years! 


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