Thursday, May 15, 2008

More boxers

I am really enjoying drawing boxers.  Drawing them gives me a feeling of empowerment and strength.  Boxing is  a brutal sport and yet it takes a physically strong and a mentally strong man to become one.  Not only must they train for more strength but also more speed and more "armor"  knowing that their bodies will also be taking a beating.  Only in competition is is a boxer content.  I will bring to you as many drawings of boxers as I can in the future.   And maybe share some things about my father.  

For now here are some quick sketches. 

Monday, May 05, 2008

Figure with the quickness!!

3 Minute poses in pencil. Then after i Inked them and added a gray tone.

Today was, quick study Monday, I got to squeeze in for a small portion of the session. The model was Great so i pushed what i could to try and use force in my drawings.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

100th Post!!

Hey Guys I know its been a whole month since I have posted anything. And I just want to say that I am extremely Sorry! I have really been swamped with this my new character design Job at Autumn Moon Ent. I Really wish I could show the Fun characters that were working on...but I guess everyone will just have to wait till the game is out. Sorry!

I took the time to do some drawing for myself and just for the 100th post celebration, I have Given my blog a new look.

So here are some drawings that I have done. Some just fun, some to show the way that i go through my design process.

I really wanted to make this post special, because it is the hundredth post, but mainly to make up for the lack of them in the last month.

Fabian !

This is the final Image. Its just a quick ruff painting.. no more than an hour in PS. I really love to draw boxers, most of the reason is because my father used to be a professional boxer...yes he was on ESPN, but aside from that there are so many great characters that can be drawn especially with beat up mangled faces. Meatheads!

Here is an inked version I did, just to tighten up the drawing a bit. I didnt use it for the color but just as an afterthought. Good Line quality is something I always try to acheive.

This is my sketch that was pretty ruff... it took me a while to get the legs how i wanted them. hence the eraser smudges all over the place.
Here are some ruff faces and expressions of ideas i had for boxers. I like most of them, but the one I finally chose is the one that stood out to me the most.
Here is an updated color comp for my short that I am working on...yes its still in progress!
And Lastly, a girl from photo reference, really fast in pen