Thursday, October 16, 2008

Walt Stanchfield And Drawing For Animation at Cogswell College

A book by Walk Stanchfield has recently been literally put into my hands by a good friend.  

I remember going online and seeing this great book and wishing i could print it without emptying out my ink cartridge or paper supply.  Alas I have a hard copy and its chalk full of Great drawings! These are not ordinary Drawings either... THey are full of life and energy, and the touch of a man who really got down to the emotion of the pose and sketch and didnt bother with the details of the person he was drawing.  If you are an animator you must have this book!  Thats all there is to it.  

It taught me about the essence.  When Drawing to get the essence of the pose I learned to minimize my lines and emphasize on gesture and feeling.  That it... It may sound easy but its not.  It takes a great deal of observation to get the essence of a pose.  

I recently also have just received word that I will be teaching Drawing for Animation 1 and 2 at Cogswell College in Sunnyvale, CA in the spring.   I am very excited about this opportunity and cant wait to get in and start drawing with people who want to learn.  

I hold this book close to me will base a lot of my class on it.  Along with Walts book, Ill  be focusing on  some quick study poses, lite anatomy, character development...and much more!  If your interested in learning about "The art of the Essence"  contact Cogwell College and Register now!  

Here are some drawings that arent necessarily gesture drawing but but they were fun to do anyways.  


Anonymous said...

its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

Anonymous said...

its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

Kyle Van Meurs said...

Congratulations on the job Fabian!

Adriano said...

thats kickass man.