Tuesday, September 04, 2007

BARt and the academy of ART

SO i began my new Job today at the University of Art in San Francisco. Im really excited about it. So i take the Bart into the City and have about 45 minutes of drawing on the train. Heres a sample of what i came up with for my first day on the train. These are done with a ball point pen. About 5 -10 minutes each.


Gabriel Hunt said...

Whats your new job?

Fabian Molina said...

Im the 2D animation Lab technitian. Its chill. I just animate all day long and work on my own stuff.

Jeff Jackson said...

Great stuff Fabian.
Looking forward to great hard copy sketches and crazy cool new animation fro yus.

Gabriel Hunt said...

Thats awesome! Now lets some cartoons!